ANZCA was formed in 2015 to unite the vibrant and diverse circus communities within Aotearoa NZ. A place of connection, conversation in order to raise our collective voice and sector.

We live, breathe and love circus. We want to encourage the sector to flourish and to continue to enrich the lives of people around Aotearoa.


Connecting circus in Aotearoa

Developing guidelines to support the circus sector.

Creating and distributing resources.

Fostering relationships with other NZ arts organisations.

Fostering relationships with international circus organisations.

Visible leadership.

Advocating for our members and the circus industry

Enriching circus culture in Aotearoa

Gaining a clear understanding of what the Aotearoa circus sector is and needs.

ANZCA is run by a steering committee of passionate individuals within the circus landscape of Aotearoa. 

Becoming part of the steering committee is a voluntary position, and we are so grateful for the passion and work that this team puts in.

Get Involved!

If you’d like to meet regularly and do something to support circus in Aotearoa New Zealand please get in touch! 

Roles include

    • Governance Committee
        • Meets once every month – a great chance to find out what being part of an incorporated society / not for profit involves!  
    • Circus Librarians
        • Collecting and creating resources for our database
    • Social Media / Newsletter Team
        • Sharing all the awesome things happening