Rigging for circus

Welcome to the circus riggers page. This page is dedicated to our backstage heroes keeping us safe. Here you can find a rigger and find out what they really do. Clip in and get connected to this awesome community who are committed to keeping us safe in the air.

There are many dimensions to what makes a good circus rigger, whether you are looking for one or wanting to become one, this may be a useful tool for you: It was developed through discussions with circus entertainment riggers around the country profiling the skills required.

Check out the document below, it goes into further discussion around what makes up a good rigger for circus and who is appropriate to do so.

Want to connect with a rigger?

Here is our riggers directory: A peer reviewed collection of riggers known to hold a high standard from around the country.

Name Phone Email Location Skills / Service
Nic Balkum
(Yoo Crew)
(0)2040613868 Nic@yoocrew.co.nz Wellington- nationwide Static aerial rigging
Human counterweight
Rope based performance rigging (rope access skills)
Equipment supplier – Hardware
Equipment supplier – Specialist aerialist
Systems designer
Willing peer reviewer
Chris Browne
(Theatrical Solutions)
(Ph) +64 9 215 9007
(Mob) +64 21 660 453
chris@theatrical.co.nz Auckland Static aerial rigging
Equipment supplier – Hardware
Systems designer
Nick Creech 220240107 nickcreech@gmail.com Wellington – nationwide Mentorship
Rescue plan design
Inspection procedure design
Systems design
Willing peer reviewer
Andre Goldsmith
(Hang up Entertainment Rigging)
64 3 377 4433
0800 374 3211
Mob +64 21 962 969
andre@hangup.co.nz Christchurch Static aerial rigging
Human counterweight
Equipment supplier – Hardware
Equipment supplier – Specialist aerialist
Willing peer reviewer
Tom Hoyle (0)210657835 gomezthecosmonaut@gmail.com Wānaka Human counterweight
Rope based performance rigging
Willing peer reviewer.
Sam Johnston
(Yoo Crew)
027 2828 437 sam@yoocrew.co.nz Wellington – Nationwide Static aerial rigging
Human counterweight
Rope based performance rigging (rope access skills)
Equipment supplier – Hardware
Equipment supplier – Specialist aerialist
Systems designer
Willing peer reviewer
Gregor Kolbe (0)221 563 904 g.v.kolbe@gmail.com Wānaka – Nationwide – International Static aerial rigging
Human counterweight
Rope access (IRATA lvl3)
Rigging inspections
Pull testing, destructive and non destructive
Specialist apparatus/prop manufacture
Splicing: laid, double braid, 12 stand, & core dependant
Systems designer
Willing peer reviewer
Connor Leech (0)211767521 leech.connor@gmail.com Wellington – Nationwide Human counterweight
Rope based performance rigging (rope access skills)
Systems designer
Willing peer reviewer
Dave Macleod (0)274140544 imguides@xtra.co.nz Queeenstown – nationwide Static aerial rigging
Rope based performance rigging (rope access skills)
Raising and lowering systems
Safety plans
Systems designer and planner
Willing peer reviewer