Circus Sector Careers

There are many ways to follow your passion for circus into a career pathway!

Below are 14 of areas of professional circus
along with videos from Aotearoa industry leaders

Event Pathways


Some circus performers who have the knack of organising the hectic world of festivals find themselves as a festival production manager. They are an integral part of holding together festivals that are part of the connective tissue that hold our community together


Being a circus entertainment rigger requires a very specialized set of skills and many circus performers have continued their careers into becoming riggers. If you would like to find out more about what a rigger is. check out our safety page that can further explain the role and connect you to other circus riggers around the country. 

Performance Pathways


Traditional theatres are starting to involve circus in their productions. From a fire show at a Christmas pantomime to a flying Peter Pan, circus is in more places than one might suspect.


A roving performer travels around an event interacting with the people around them. The may go to events like symposiums, festivals, malls, community centres, parties, sporting events and the list goes on.


Street performers often perform in the centre of cities on a ‘pitch’ that is an area designated for performers. They need to draw a crowd, keep them engaged and hopefully get a good ‘hat’ or payment offered from the public. Here is Kozo Komatsubara working his magic on the streets of Sydney, Australia.

Education Pathways


There are many roles circus practitioners take around the country to use circus as a medium to bring community together, build confidence, have fun and grow. Some examples of these roles could include social circus facilitators, youth workers and special needs tutors. Introducing you to Ayden Jacobs who has spent much time working in this space


Circus teaching is also often brought into other environments like schools, festivals, parties and events. Have-a-go workshops are a common event and a lot of fun to bring into a space. These are often offered from circus companies and schools alike.


In our small country it can be hard sometimes to find trainers in narrow, high level or very specific skills, however around the world there are many trainers who offer online classes. These often incorporate video discussions, recordings and collections of online videos and written resources. Here is an example of online privates that Nic Davies receive from Rosita Hendry when she is out of the country.